Tuesday 13 August 2013

Secret Cover Up

When people get into wood working, sooner or later they find they've made an ever so tiny mistake they need to cover up.
Now there are several types of wood filler, plastic wood, super epoxy resin mixtures with dye kits to match your work piece but I'll tell you a little secret, you don't need them.
All you need is at your feet, the sawdust created by you making your last master piece. The advantage of this is the colour and texture matches the work piece. I always keep an old ice cream tub with some sawdust in from the vac or dust pan. I use a kitchen sieve to filter out all the big nasty lumps, we want it to look like fine wood, not chip board.
Next mix a small amount of sawdust with your favourite PVA wood glue, mix it thoroughly to a gloopy paste that feels tacky between the fingers and use it to block up those nasty holes and mistakes. You can dust over the gloop with a sprinkle of neat dust. Leave it overnight to dry and hit it with a fine sandpaper and you have a mistake covered up.
So save the sawdust, and save some cash.

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